Do Not Overlook These Early Signs of Gallbladder Problem


The gallbladder, found under the liver is a small pear-shaped organ that is responsible for the storage of bile. Bile is a compound that helps in the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. Sometimes, a high level of cholesterol and bilirubin in the bile juice causes its crystallisation, forming small deposits in the gallbladder called gallstones.

Initially, the stones are very tiny and may go undetected for years but with constant deposits, they can grow in size causing intense pain.

Anyone with the below-mentioned symptoms should take immediate action and get in touch with a gallbladder surgeon.

The symptoms of a gallbladder problem include:

· Chills or Fever: If you get a sudden fever accompanied by chills that is a sign of an infection. If overlooked or delayed treatment, the situation can get worse and cause acute damage.

· Nausea: If the gallbladder problem is chronic, it can cause acid reflux and gas problems. There may be severe problems in the digestive tract. Therefore, these signs shouldn't be ignored.

· Pain: This is the most common and early sign of the problem. If you are facing intense pain in your upper-right or mid-abdomen, under the breastbone, then it is indicative of the underlying problem. The pain can be mild and not that frequent for some, but for others, it is so acute that they can’t comfortably sit or lay down.

· Jaundice: This may be a sign of a common bile duct blockage, stopping the bile to reach the small intestine. This causes the skin and pupils to get yellow.

· Unusual bowel system: If you are having frequent and chalky stools and the colour of the urine is darker than usual consistently then all these are signs of bile duct blockage.

Before things reach the bottom of the barrel, you should seek medical attention and visit a gallbladder surgeon near me.

One of the most trusted names, when it comes to gallbladder removal surgery is Dr. Chanu Dasari, MD. He is certified by the American Board of Medical Specialities and the American College of Surgeons. He has performed thousands of gallbladder removals and has alleviated the patients from severe pain. His philosophy is patient-centred, and his team is highly responsive and understanding. The staff and infrastructure are fully equipped, so you are assured about the professionalism and precision of the treatment. They pride themselves on their minimally-invasive treatment, showing how committed they are to your needs and well-being.

When it comes to choosing an accomplished gallbladder surgery doctor, than Dr. Charu Dasari’s expertise is unparalleled. He pays heed to your problems and comprehensively diagnoses your gallbladder problem and accordingly starts with the treatment. He is transparent about the entire process and guides you about the recovery process and assists in every step of it.

Dr. Charu Dasari’s commitment to the treatment reflects in how he incorporates the uninsured, direct pay clients and offers special discounts for the patients coming from afar.

It is always better to be safe than sorry, so if you’re facing the early signs of a gallbladder problem, act fast and book an appointment today itself.

For more details, visit


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